Physical Education

Daily Physical Activity

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Try to get your 60 minutes of activity a day! 

Even though we are working to limit our contact with other people, hitting this goal of 60 minutes of moderate intensity activity will help with stress levels and overall health. 


Ever Active Schools

Fit Kids Healthy Kids

Activities you can do with your kids


Youtube can also be a good place to find activities you can do in your home such as Just Dance Videos or Cosmic Kids Yoga


I hope some of these activities can be tried in the next few days and that you will have some fun together!

Physical Education Philosophy

Our Physical Education philosophy at C.L.E.S. is centered around the idea of creating and nurturing Physically Literate Students. 

Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.

At C.L.E.S. your child will get to experience a range of physical activities, sports, games, dance, and recreation activities. We hope that not only will our students commit to living a physically literate lifestyle but also help nurture physical literacy in others. 

Term 1 Physical Education

Term 1 in Physical Education we learn the rules and routines of the gym at CLES. We have opportunities to play games that help to develop our concept of Physical Literacy. We interact in small group and large group games. We work to improve our own level of physical fitness. 


September activities: Small group games (Ice feet, Jackpot, Frolf). Large group games (4 corners, red-light green-light, mission impossible, traffic jam). Concepts of Physical Literacy (fundamental movement skills and proper form for exercise activities). Beep test number 1. 


October activities: Country line dancing, students will learn basic steps to a country line dance. Grade four students will have an opportunity to create their own dance using an eight count beat.