Social Studies

Social Studies Activities

In grade three we are learning about different countries and cultures around the world. It is important for our students to see how people live differently in different areas of the world. 

Now is a good time to look into the international organizations that are working to help support communities in need, as well as the rights and responsibilities of Canadians. 

Term 1 Outcomes

I show and awareness of and appreciation for the similarities and differences in beliefs, traditions and customs of groups and communities.

I explain how quality of life in a community if affected by daily life and public services.


Major Assignments, Mapping Canada booklet Mapping Canada

Assessments, Classroom map

Term 2 Outcomes

I identify cultural diversity through traditions, celebrations, stories, beliefs and customs.

I recognize and explain how communities are shaped by its geographic characteristics and economy.

Term 3 Outcomes

I compare and contrast rights, responsibilities, roles of citizens and environmental concerns between Canada and other communities.

I identify international organizations and explain how they support communities in need.